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  • Do you feel lost and confused? Are you in a rut? Do you need a change because you’ve compromised too much?

  • Do you feel bored, demotivated, or aimless?

  • Are you stressed out at the never-ending demands of your personal and professional life?

  • Are you unhappy in a relationship?

  • Do you lack confidence or assertiveness?

It doesn’t have to be that way. Deep inside your mind you know the answers, you know what you want, and you know what to do. You just need to access this knowledge. I can support you in finding clarity and confidence in your life, that is born out of a deeper understanding of yourself, your circumstances, your values, beliefs, fears, and the habits that hold you back. I will be your partner in that process. Coaching explores who you are. We won’t simply set goals.

Wanting to change is a start, so coaching will help you get where you want to be.

I’ll help you understand why you do and think the things you do, we’ll look at what you actually want from your life, what’s going on inside your head, and how you can start making changes. Moving forward means honesty, getting underneath the excuses, and digging into the real stuff. Through our sessions, you’ll find the way to do the things you want to. And that’s a lot easier when you have someone by your side in a safe, creative, and non-judgemental space.

It might just turn out to be the best decision of your life!

I will help you find clarity, understand yourself, and get where you want to be.


I was not happy with my life. Once upon a time I was a very ambitious girl with dreams and determination to accomplish them, but somewhere along the way I had lost them. I had become ’stuck’ in a life I did not like, feeling unaccomplished and living passively. I turned to Vessy for life coaching because I did not know where to start or how to get ’unstuck.’ Vessy’s sessions offered a neutral and safe environment where I was able to explore and talk about my issues. Together we began to uncover the reasons why I had felt so ’lost.’ One of the things she helped me realize was that I am far too hard on myself and this created much unnecessary suffering. Vessy encouraged me to start small and make changes in my life that I could stick to. It is certainly hard work but, in my opinion, it is well worth it.

Lily, Birmingham, UK

Vessy helped me find clarity and insight into my own personal blockers. Her coaching style provided the space in our sessions for me to find solutions and ways forward that were a natural fit to my own personal style, making it easier to adopt new approaches to old problems, and ultimately helping me form better habits.

Derek Doyle, Finance Manager, Liverpool, UK

When I started my sessions with Vessy I had a pretty good job, but I wasn’t happy. I didn’t really enjoy what I was doing, going to work was feeling like a chore. This was affecting the rest of my life, and I was somewhat going through the motions. I knew that I needed to make a change but I didn’t know what or how. The sessions were invaluable in helping me understand myself better. We were then able to look at what I was really looking for, finding my way. I’m much happier in the path I’m on now, and feel much more in control of my destiny.

Nadya Ivanova, Entrepreneur, Sofia, Bulgaria

I went to see Vessy at a time when I felt that I couldn’t enjoy the present, and was focused on searching for a relationship that continually seemed to elude me. I felt that I couldn’t get what I wanted, and was stuck in a cycle of negativity. Vessy helped to really think about what it was I was looking for. After a few sessions, I felt more grounded, present and able to let go of the fear that was holding me back.

Kate Brady, HR, Birmingham, UK

Vessy is an extremely warm-hearted, kind, smiling and empathetic person. I believe with all my heart that she makes the world a better place and that this is her calling - to help people. I looked forward to each session. I was worried at first because I didn't know what to expect, but Vessy quickly put me at ease and was listening carefully. I felt understood during all the sessions. I received adequate feedback and support, for which I am extremely grateful. It is very nice to know that there is a person who truly understands you and who will listen to you without judgement. I also liked that I had tasks and things to think about between sessions. I am grateful for finding Vessy! I recommend her sessions wholeheartedly!

Polin Naidenova, Psychologist, Sofia, Bulgaria

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