Recalibrate, realign, and thrive.

Holistic Life & Wellness Coaching for High Achievers Desiring to Be and Do Their Best Without Burning Out

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The high achiever’s guide to quality sleep

Recalibrate and realign to thrive masterclass

Yana Carstens, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach in Tech and Design

Hello and Welcome

Hello, and welcome to my Holistic Wellness Coaching practice, where you recalibrate your body, realign your mind, revive your heart, and reignite your passion. I’m Yana Carstens, a Certified Holistic Life and Wellness Coach.

Some call it burnout or passion fatigue, and others depression, anxiety, or midlife crisis. I call it the right of passage of the high-achiever. Burnout is a serious state that is viewed as a setback but can serve as a catalyst for a better, healthier, and happier you. My purpose and passion are to guide and show you how.

My goal is to help you break through burnout and thrive by getting to the root of your burnout experience and crafting a journey toward ease, peace, joy, and the authentic, vibrant, powerful version of you.