Day 24: Send Love

I did this! 297

Posted on December 24, 2013

Acts of Kindness - Send LoveJust one more day of the Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar before we wrap it up until next December. We, the hard working polar bears at Noomii, would like to thank you for joining us in spreading kindness this December. 

We are thrilled to have initiated over 8,000 AoKs. We can feel the ripples of kindness all the way up here in the Great White North.

Speaking of ripples, we can’t forget about today’s good deed so here it is. Take a few seconds to send out loving thoughts to others. It could be to a stranger, a relative, the person next door, or even your enemy. You can do it by praying for them, doing loving kindness meditation, or simply wishing them well, whatever you’re most comfortable with.

If you’re not sure how, think of someone in your life and in your mind answer the question “what do you most wish for this person?” If they are struggling, wish for them a sense of peace. If they are striving toward something, wish them rest. If they are already happy, wish them a long life and many friendships.

The point of sending out loving thoughts is to train your brain for kindness because if you do it enough, life’s little annoyances will eventually fade away and in the famous of words of John Lennon, “the world will live as one."

Sending love,

The AoK Polar Bear