GROW2 works with professional coaching as a development and management tool focusing on existing strengths and resources. The yield is positive changes for individuals and businesses.
GROW2 is owned by Connie Friman, a Master Certified Coach (MCC) from ICF and Master of Positive Psychology from Aarhus University (MOPP). She also has many international coach certifications and a broad business and managerial experience.
Connie is an ICF certified examiner at all levels, and was president of ICF Nordic and co-founder of ICF Denmark in 2007.
GROW2 is today a recognized coach company in Denmark because GROW2 sets its own quality level according to international standardization requirements for ethical and competent coaching. GROW2 is the first coach in Denmark, accredited at the highest level of ICF - an ACTP certification.
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- Skraenten 9, Skarresoe Mark
- Connie Friman.
- 0045.2094.4096
- kontakt@grow2.dk