Ernie Froedge-Simms Nashville, Tennessee
Relationship Coach, Life Coach, Spirituality Coach
BA, MS, Master's/Family & Organizational Studies, DISC Certified
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
- Hourly Rate: $75 to $125 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
About Me
For several decades, I have walked alongside, coached and directed numerous women in relationship skills, dating, life/career choices, and marriage. We have all celebrated and when they got married and/or have received clear direction for their lives & moved forward. I create a safe environment to grow. I have used the DISC (behavioral styles) profile for relationship growth, training, and consulting for 30 years to bring deep insights into individual's self awareness, and to set growth goals.
Some of my consulting work has been mentoring millennials as well as top leaders in corporations in both organizational and personal development. As a Salvation Army officer with my husband we offered ministry and pastoral counseling to many individuals of all socioeconomic and diverse backgrounds. I have learned to love unconditionally and invest deeply in those I work with, but also have learned to pray as a team with those I coach and trust God. My six years of training in human development and "marriage and family" graduate work helped me understand that we are all unique creatures with great gifts to offer and the sooner we can accept our uniqueness and our purpose for being on this earth, the sooner we can move forward with our lives and find the peace we all seek. I enjoy spending time on the phone with clients, skyping, and when possible meet in coffee houses. I got married at 37, and my husband and I have one daughter. I am glad I waited for the right person, and appreciate those who also mentored, coached, and prayed for me as I have developed at each stage of my life (dating, career, & spiritually). Being self-employed for a big part of my life as well as then later working for a large charitable organization helps me understand work choices we are all faced with, as well as how much we change throughout life. I love seeing women grow and becoming all that they can be. My relationship with my clients is embracing, warm, fun, and encouraging.
8 reviews (5.0)
Ernie has been a positive voice at a seemingly very negative time in my life. She sees the best and me and is a terrific mentor and confidant. I was looking for someone who was safe and who was a Christian and Ernie is both. One of the things I appreciate about Ernie is that she is able to provide very insightful feedback. As our sessions went along, she would tell me the positive changes she saw in me, as well as point out the progress I had made. Such a great encourager!
"Ernie always has unconditional, positive regard for me. She has encouraged me to have self-confidence in relationships and to give lots of grace to myself." --Ellen Thweatt
Ellen Thweatt
"I highly recommend Ernie from watching her work with, pray for and give direction to people. At a retreat I attended, she led a program that helped all to grow into the direction that God would have them go. She has such a welcoming spirit, that even the shy become bold in her presence. Ernie has both world intelligence and spiritual knowledge which she gladly shares with those who ask." --Dodi Christofferson
Dodi Christofferson
"Ernie Simms is sensitive, articulate, and has an extraordinary understanding of human dynamics and emotions. She is able to see into each situation with wisdom, as she clearly and gently gives guidance until the situation is resolved. I strongly recommend Ernie for all counseling services. She has been a wonderful friend and coach to me." --Judy Paster
Judy Paster
"Ernie has been a faithful friend through thick and thin--a counselor and confidant. Never have I felt judged by her but only loved and encouraged. She has given me words of wisdom and guidance in situations when I felt hopeless. She has a way of speaking truth into your life that is so gentle; you never feel condemned but consoled. Her prayers and support have been an incredible part of my healing and I'm so thankful she's been a part of my life". --Lisa Hammond
Lisa Hammond
"Ernie has been a God send. She has walked with me through some of the most difficult times in my life. She is an amazing listener, supporter and someone who lets you find the answers in your own way and time but lovingly guides when appropriate. I've always felt very safe, able to trust, and able to be myself with Ernie. She's a positive, wise and gentle friend who is so gifted at bringing out the best in those who are lucky enough to work with her." --Lara Landon
Lara Landon
"Ernie Simms really helped me during a difficult time in my life. She gave me a listening ear, prayed with me, and helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Praying with her has been my favorite as she is very in tune with the Spirit. Many of the words she has given me have provided me with hope during a difficult time." --Jill Furstenburg
Jill Furstenburg
"Ernie has encouraged me, prayed with me, counseled me, and helped me in so many ways. There were times I felt that no one really understood what I was going through. Ernie always gave me a listening ear, and a caring shoulder to cry on. I'm so thankful to know Ernie." --Carolyn Rose Wilson
Carolyn Rose Wilson
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