What's Your Awesome?! A Teleclass with Emma-Louise Elsey and Stephan Wiedner
About the Teleclass
[Update] This teleclass was hosted on September 29, 2015. To listen to the recording or download it to your computer, scroll down the page.
Do you want to build a thriving coaching business? Are you ready to step into your superpowers?
Well then, you’re in for an amazing ride in this teleclass.
Combined, Emma-Louise and Stephan have been around the coaching business for over 20 years and together, they have spoken to thousands of coaches, including many of the most successful coaches in the business. And in so doing, they have discovered the secret to a thriving practice. It has nothing to do with building a list, rockin’ Twitter, or making a fancy schmancy website. But it does have everything to do with YOU and WHO YOU ARE BEING.
The secret is that the most successful coaches embody the core values of coaching. They step into bold, unchartered territories. They live their values and are catalysts of change - both in their own lives and in the lives of others. In short, they are AWESOME!
In this teleclass we are going to share stories of a handful of successful coaches who are being awesome in their own unique ways and we hope to inspire and show you how to find your awesome. Why? Because the world needs coaching and that means the world needs you, the most awesome you possible.
So what’s YOUR awesome? Register for the teleclass and we'll give you a great tool that you can use to find your awesome. We'll also tell you about Coach Marketing Bootcamp, a 10-module business building program that inspired the creation of this teleclass.
Listen to the Teleclass Recording
To listen to the call, click on the "Play" button below. To download the recording to your computer, click on the little down arrow button in the top-right corner of the box below.
Teleclass Worksheets and More
Download the What's Your Awesome Teleclass Worksheet (PDF) to take notes and expand your learning.
About the Hosts
Emma-Louise Elsey is a professional life coach and NLP practitioner - and founder of The Coaching Tools Company.com. She’s a passionate leader, writer and entrepreneur in the coaching field: If you love coaching, you'll love her blog and over 100 professional Coaching Tools, Forms and Exercises at The Coaching Tools Company.com. Her goal? To increase the impact of coaching around the world - by providing inspiration, exercises and resources that save you time, energy, build your confidence AND grow your clients! She’s awesome.
Stephan Wiedner is dedicated to helping coaches improve their marketing message and massively increasing the number of people who experience the power of coaching. To achieve that goal, Stephan co-founded Noomii.com, the Professional Coach Directory in 2007. Since then, Stephan has helped thousands of coaches with their marketing, generated thousands of client leads, and co-created Coach Marketing Bootcamp - the Ultimate Business Building Program for Coaches. As a coach, he creates kick-ass accountability systems for entrepreneurs and free thinkers who want to forge a unique path in this world. He loves being a location independent professional, working from wifi-enabled coffee shops all around the world with his beautiful wife and homeschooled children by his side. He's awesome too.
Comments (2)
Adrian Cahill over 9 years ago
The Coaching Tools Company! Nice. I am recommending both the Coaching Tools and Noomii to new coaches I meet. Thank you for taking the time to do this Stephan and Emma.
Stephan Wiedner over 9 years ago
You're welcome Adrian. I'm glad you liked the call.
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