Coaching Circle
Overview: What is the Noomii Coaching Circle?
The Noomii Coaching Circle is a great way to gain coaching experience without the high cost. You will be matched with another Noomii member coach who will coach you, and a different Noomii member coach who will be your client. It's simple, effective, and it's included in the price of your Noomii membership.
Noomii Coaching Circle Testimonials
Anna Kadura, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia
The Noomii coaching circle is a wonderful opportunity and resource. Personally I loved the opportunity to coach my Noomii client; we were a great fit and made great progress.
Cres Lake, Katy, Texas
I think the Coaching Circle is essential. A single coach can not know everything about everything, and every client is so different, and each case has multiple facets, so it is excellent to have coaches with the same goals, integrity, and insights just to provide you with suggestions or simply as a sounding board. I love that I can share with my coach my strategies and pass the knowledge from my coach to the coaches I coach.
Jen Casper, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
By working with Christine [the coaching client assigned to her], I have been able to see great progress within her. It is also beneficial to me to be working with Laura [the coach assigned to her]. We coach each other and have been drawing on each others techniques. By being coached by another person, you get to be the client and gain more insight into yourself and how to improve your coaching technique. It is really a win, win."
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join?
Any paid Noomii member coach can join the coaching circle.
How much does it cost?
The Noomii Coaching Circle is included with your annual membership at no extra cost. In addition, the coaching itself is provided to you at no cost. Instead, you "pay" for your coaching by providing coaching to a different member, also at no cost.
Will coaching through the circle count towards my ICF credential?
Yes! The ICF requires that you receive payment for your coaching hours, but payment does not need to be in cash. With the coaching circle, payment is received in the form of getting coaching from someone else in the circle.
I have more questions.
Find answers to all of your questions in the Noomii Coaching Circle FAQ page.