Listening To My Heart
Posted on January 29, 2012 by Shelley Harris, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
An inspiring, and empowering Certified Professional Coach who works in partnership with the client to explore and discover goals and life purpose.
Good Day Everyone,
How often do you listen to your heart?
When I was India I really felt my heart sing, it was something that was so magical, and felt so real. I had a alot of time to think, and JUST BE. When people ask what being in the moment is, it may be the sounds of birds, a waterfall, horns beeping, animal sounds, or simply no sounds, just the stillness. It was an awesome experience, it really allowed me to listen to my heart, and search my soul. What I discovered is that I was put on this earth to help people face their challenges and rise above them, particularly in women and teens. Hence the name of my business…PERSONAL BEST LIFE COACHING,
Coaching women & teens is very close to my heart, I support and empower individuals going through life transitions, my coaching style is very similar to a personal trainer, if I know or sense you can do something, you will do it, I will work with you and make it happen. For me it is all about bringing out your very BEST by pushing your limits.
For personal reasons I am so passionate about coaching teens and women. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, emotional, physical neglect, and a parent addicted to prescription drugs. Now looking back at my childhood, I am thankful in a lot of ways, because it has made me who I am today. My parents divorced when I was 17, and I kind of got lost in the shuffle. Looking back on my life, I knew I had to create the best life for my future family and break any cycles that I experienced. I feel I’ve done that! It has been a conscious effort each day, and when I look at my kids and husband’s face, I know I’ve done right, and very proud for all that I have overcome.
My kids (17 yr old son, 15 yr old daughter, and a 4 yr old daughter) will often come home from school, sit down and tell me about their day. I love it, it is one of the best parts of my day. I stop what I am doing, sit down and really listen to them. We will discuss any topics brought to the “table” there is no judgment, just discussions, it’s great. I speak to them like an adult, and respect them as an adult, and in turn they do the same. Sometimes I just sit there and smile, and my kids say Mom why are you smiling, and it is just because I’ve given them the best I can, and I am happy with that.
What I love about coaching, is that I get to be a part of my clients journey, I want to inspire them to dream big, and achieve bigger. Everyone has a story, what they do with their story will determine how their life plays out. My heart, my calling, and my soul all direct me to empowering the people around me to be their best. It doesn’t matter where you came from, or who you are, what matters is what’s in your heart, what do you stand for, and what is your legacy.
On my Facebook, I asked people what their legacy is, so it is only fair if I share what I want mine to be: When people think of Shelley Harris, I want you to think of me as someone who persevered through all the trials and tribulations in life to get what I want, I want you think of me as someone who loved hard, and played fairly. To speak what I believe, and to hold the highest integrity. I want kids to know there are resources out there, and most of all NEVER GIVE UP! A quote I created, “To empower the possibilities is to inspire the dream”.
My coaching business is where I want to be, I was born to coach baby, and that is what I am gonna do!
If you are looking for a partner to walk this journey with you, you’ve come to the right place.
Feel free to contact me, lets see if the shoe fits, it isn’t always a “one size fits all” in coaching, we will need to speak, and get a sense if we can work together. Either way I am here when you are ready :D
Thanks for your time….
Peace, Love and Happiness xoxo
Shelley Harris…otherwise known as Mama Shell ;)