Day 11: Read a book to someone

I did this! 39

Posted on December 11, 2023

Artwork and words by Levi & Oliver from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


We choose the act of kindness to read to someone that can't read or if someone is having a bad day. We can brighten their day by doing this.

It does not cost any money and we help them learn how to read. So, they can show their parents what they have learned. One of the reasons reading to younger kids is important is because it could help them learn about how to read and get more creative.

An example would be to read it when we are with our little buddies at school or to do it when we are in a younger classroom. Another example would be to read in front of others at the library.


Lire un livre a une personne

Aujourd’hui ta tâche est de lire un livre avec ou pour quelqu’un.

L'acte de lire pour/avec quelqu'un est une façon d'enlever le stress, créer une connexion ou simplement passer le temps avec quelqu’un qui est important dans ta vie.

On peut lire avec quelqu'un petit, un ami ou une partenaire. Parfois ces actes simples peuvent améliorer la journée de quelqu’un avec peu d'effort et temps.