Day 15: Walk a dog or visit an animal shelter

I did this! 35

Posted on December 15, 2023

Artwork and words by Kessler & Nathan from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Todays act of kindness is Walking a dog at the animal shelter would show kindness. 

They don't have homes and someone to look after them and the dogs there are sad and It would be Appreciated by the shelter since nobody can walk them.

To do this random act of kindness all you have to do is stop at a shelter and offer the people at the shelter that you will walk one of the dogs. Then you walk the dog, and not steal the dog, then you walk around with the dog – and your done!


Visite un refuge d’animaux:

Aujourd’hui ton acte de gentillesse est de promener un chien ou de visiter les chats à un refuge d‘animaux.

C’est important parce que les chiens et chats au refuge d’animaux n'as pas un maison donc les chien vas être triste et il ne vas pas être fort et content.

Une visite au refuge d’animaux dans ta communauté prend 30 minutes à une heure et il améliore le jour d'un animal sans maison.