Day 4: Donate outgrown clothes

I did this! 107

Posted on December 4, 2023

Artwork and words by AJ & Quinn from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Today's random act of kindness is donating outgrown clothes. This is always a good and kind thing to help others in need.

We think this act of kindness is good because it would be helpful when it is cold and it’s also a way to reuse and put old clothes to good use. Sometimes people can’t afford new clothes especially when they are a new family expecting a baby.

Personally, we think that it's better than putting perfect clothes in a bin in your basement. It will feel good to clean out your closet but at least you are giving and not receiving. If you think about it, it's a win-win situation! When you do this, you make somebody smile! When giving clothes  there are multiple positive reasons to do this like making people smile, cleaning out your closet ,and more ! How amazing is that?


Donner les vêtements à une charité:

Aujourd’hui ton acte de gentillesse est de donner les vêtement a une charité.

Tu probablement pense a quoi ça sert, mais ses facile a faire et donne sa même un opportunite de nettoyer ton placard et faire une chose gentille pour ta communauté.

Quand tu as le temps tu peux juste faire deux piles, 1 pour donner et 1 pour garder. Vas - y essaye le.