Day 12: Talk to someone new at school/work

I did this! 42

Posted on December 12, 2023

Artwork and words by Myles, Wyatt and Levi from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Today's act of kindness is to Talk to somebody that looks lonely or sad to make them less shy. So, they can make friends and be more confident in life that helps those shy and/or scared kids be happier. Why is it important to make friends with lonely people?

So, kids can get more confident in life and try new things to expand their chances to have a better life. It also helps kids be happier, joyful, more excited. To do more things help them be a greater example for younger kids when they're older so they can do the same. Some more things it helps them with making some new friends, so they have somebody to play with them at recess or after school.

It is fairly simple; it will take one peak at someone who looks lonely. Just walk up to them and introduce yourself by saying your name then asking for their name. Ask what they like to do During school and recess then give them a smile.


Parle à quelqu'un nouveau

Ton acte de gentillesse aujourd'hui est de parler à quelqu'un que tu ne connais pas.

Tu peux parler à quelqu'un à ton travail, école, ou au magasin. Prends une minute et commence une conversation avec quelqu’un. C'est important de faire des connections parce que il va t'aider à être plus confiant dans leur vie est il peux essayer plus de choses.

Sa ne doit pas etre une grande conversation serieuse. Demande les comment leur jours ce passe ou donne une compliment à propos de leurs ensemble. Des fois c’est des petites choses comme cela qui améliore la journée de quelqu’un. Vas-y essaye le.