Day 14: Say “hello” to everyone you see

I did this! 58

Posted on December 14, 2023

Artwork and words by Vincent & Jordan from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Today's act of kindness is saying hello to people, because if someone is having a terrible day just saying ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ will make them happy for the rest of the day.

This act of kindness is important because it can make the other person happy also at the same time it will make you happy. So go say hello to your neighbor and you guys might become friends. Thats why this act of kindness is important.

A good example of our act of kindness is when I was walking to school and I said hi to everyone I walked by, also the teachers when I got to school. That is the act of kindness we are trying today, saying hi to everyone.


Dit ‘Bonjour’ a tout le monde:

Ton acte de gentillesse pour aujourd’hui est de dire bonjour à tout le monde.

Dire bonjour aux gens est un acte de gentillesse, car si quelqu’un passe une mauvaise journée juste dire “bonjour” ou “allo” vas le rendre heureux pour le reste de la journée.

Des fois, ce sont ses petites choses qui changent le monde. Si tu marches à l'école, au travail ou juste dans le parc, essaye-le . Dire bonjour à tout le monde est un acte de gentillesse simple et ça peut améliorer la journée de quelqu’un.