Day 18: Take kind notes to the firehall

I did this! 8

Posted on December 18, 2023

Artwork and words by Emilee & Alora from Mr. Duteil's & Mr. Gazel’s grade 6 classes at École Glenmore Elementary.


Today's act of kindness is about taking treats and a kind note to the fire hall. It shows that you care about all the work they do to keep us safe. It will make they’re day and show that you care.

 It’s important that you acknowledge that without the fire fighters lots of homes would be burnt to ashes and our city would not be like it is now. The most important thing is that you show appreciation for what they do.

All you have to do is make something nice to appreciate the fire fighters and stop by the fire hall. It doesn't take a lot of time and it would mean a lot to the firefighters. If you were a fire fighter, would you appreciate it?


Apporte des friandises a un station de feu:

Ton acte de gentillesse pour aujourd’hui est de donner les bonbons et un gentil mot à la station de feu. 

C'est important d' admettre que sans pompier beaucoup de maisons seraient brûlées à cendre et ne serait pas ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. La chose la plus importante est de montrer que vous appréciez ce qu'ils font.

Tout ce que tu dois faire est fabriquer quelque chose de sensible a les pompiers et aller à la station de feu. Il ne faut pas prendre beaucoup de temps et cela signifierait beaucoup. Si vous étiez un pompier pouvez-vous être reconnaissant?