Day 9: Go for a Walk with a Friend

I did this! 81

Posted on December 9, 2021

Artwork and words by Aleighna & Claire N from Mr. Duteil's grade 6 class at École Glenmore Elementary.

Today’s act of kindness is to go on a walk with a friend or a family member/guardian. Some places you could go could be a park you both enjoy, the mall which is a nice warm safe place, a beach, or any other place you both like to be. Try starting a conversation with them to get to know them better. You can also walk with a senior citizen or a work friend.

If you are walking outside, you could enjoy the sounds and sights of nature. You might take a memorable picture along the way, make a snow angel, or just look for houses with lights. Take a picture and enjoy the time you are taking with someone else to slow things down. Enjoy the walk.