Day 18: Lend an Ear

I did this! 109

Posted on December 18, 2020

Day 18: Lend an Ear Sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is taking the time to listen to them. We are often too wrapped up in our own thoughts that we forget to check in with the people around us to see how they are doing. 

Your AoK for today is to ask someone how they are doing and listen, REALLY listen. It could be someone you see in person or it might be someone on the phone or over zoom. You don’t need to say much besides ask a series of simple questions and listen with your ears and your heart.

Despite the holidays, this festive season can be a sad and lonely time for some, especially this year. Let's help more people feel heard, understood, and a greater sense of connection in these challenging times.

Let us know how this goes in the comments below.