Day 11: Fix Something for Someone

I did this! 250

Posted on December 11, 2013

Acts of Kindness - Fix Something for SomeoneI admit it. When a lightbulb goes out in my ice garage, I like to change the lightbulb, um, tomorrow. I can’t help it. You try changing lightbulbs with big bear paws like mine!

Today, we’re going to put excuses aside and fix something around the home or office. Especially things that others asked us to do. Here are some ideas:

- Hang a picture for your kids
- Back up your spouse’s computer onto an external hard drive
- Help your neighbor with their Christmas lights
- Oil a squeaky door for Grandma
- Tidy your dreadfully messy desk for your coworkers

Now go and fix it, for kindness sake!

Please share what you did in the comments below.

The AoK Polar Bear

P.S. We have some more goodies coming soon. Keep spreading the kindness.