Day 9: Be Kind to the Planet

I did this! 489

Posted on December 9, 2013

Acts of Kindness - Be Kinde to the PlanetHappy Monday!

I spoke to my flippery penguin friends from last year’s AoK Advent Calendar and they told me that you did an amazing job taking care of the planet so we’re going to do it again. 

For today’s AoK, I want you to perform at least one act of kindness for Mother Earth. She gives us the oceans, mountains, and the air we breath so she deserves a little love too. 

As you venture out into the world today, you could find a piece of litter and toss it in the trash, turn off any extra lights in your home, have a short shower (besides, you indulged in a hot bath yesterday, didn’t you?), bring your own mug to the coffee shop, or refrain from buying anything with packaging. That’s it. 

In the words of my humanitarian friend named John Lennon, “It’s easy if you try.”

With kindness,

The AoK Polar Bear

P.S. Mini update: We are still on target to reach our goal of 10,000 AoKs even though, as expected, we recorded fewer AoKs over the weekend. If you’ve been kind but not updating the advent calendar, please go back and click the “I did it” button on previous AoKS so we’re all up-to-date.